I moved back to Maryland after living 20 years in Georgia. I grew up in Ellicott City, but have the great privilege of living in BEAUTIFUL Annapolis, Maryland, surrounded by water!

While in Macon,Georgia, an indirect path led me to teach. I continue to find motivation from a student I had in Georgia who was a passionate football player who could not read. 

Anne Arundel County is a particularly tough location to land a teaching job, especially since I am new to the area and my certification is from out of state. I am concentrating on "getting in the system" through volunteering and substitute positions. I am overloading in my dual degree program in Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, in an effort to achieve an edge over the competition.

In Macon, Georgia, I found great satisfaction in making a difference in the largest school in the district, where 56% of the students were at or below poverty level. I seek a similar position here, not at the "easy" school with the best equipment, but at the school where the students need the tough love teaching style I employ. Regardless of my resources, I attempt to find a way to challenge my students to do better than their best so they are equipped for life, and in turn, they find and follow their passion.

As gung-ho as that all sounds, if there are any newer and younger teachers here, you may be surprised at how far a sense of humor, not sweating the small stuff and a large collection of Chuck Taylor All Stars go in building relationships with students!

As far as what I do for entertainment, I recently became a lifeguard at the age of 47 and I continue training with the Eastern Women's Baseball Conference.  Games start in May; Looking forward to getting some grass stains on my white pants.  

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